Our partners

The Institut de Formation du Numérique et du Digital (IFND) is proud to collaborate with a diverse range of partners from different sectors. These collaborations enrich our training offer and ensure that our programmes are up-to-date, relevant and aligned with market needs. Here are some of our key partners:

Partner name

Sector : Consulting

Based in (city/location), Partenaire 1 is a recognised leader in the consulting industry. Thanks to our collaboration, we are able to offer training that incorporates industry best practice and prepares our learners for the challenges of the professional world.

Partner name

Sector : Building

Partenaire 2 is a major player in the construction sector, with expertise in specific areas such as sustainable construction. Our partnership enables us to integrate practical knowledge and real-life case studies into our programmes, offering a hands-on perspective to our learners.

Partner name

Sector : Transport

Partner 3 is a pioneer in the field of (specificity, e.g. "green transport"). Thanks to this collaboration, our learners benefit from training at the cutting edge of technology, preparing them to play an active role in the transformation of the transport sector.

Partner name

Sector : VAE

Partenaire 4 specialises in providing support for the Validation des Acquis de l'Expérience (VAE). Thanks to this collaboration, we are able to offer comprehensive support to our learners who are looking to enhance their professional experience and obtain formal qualifications.

Partner name

Sector : Youth and Sports

In partnership with Partenaire 5 we are committed to promoting training in the field of youth and sports. This collaboration enriches our programmes with specific modules focusing on the physical, mental and social development of young people.

Partner name

Sector : Non-profit sector

Partenaire 6 is a major player in the voluntary sector. Through our collaboration, we integrate key elements of the management and operation of associations, preparing our learners to play an active role in the not-for-profit sector.

Partner name

Sector: Sector name

Partenaire 7 is recognised for (specificity of the partner). Our partnership with them enables us to extend our reach and offer training adapted to a variety of fields and sectors.

The IFND is proud of our diverse collaborations, which reflect our commitment to providing a holistic and relevant education. Each partner brings unique added value to our programmes, ensuring that our learners are well prepared for a variety of careers and opportunities.