Why we exist

The digital era has transformed the way we live, work and learn. In response to this revolution, the Institut de Formation du Numérique et du Digital (IFND) was born of a vision: that of a world where every individual is prepared and empowered to navigate this technological landscape with competence and confidence. Our raison d'être is to embody this vision, by making digital education a reality accessible to all.

The Institut de Formation du Numérique et du Digital (IFND) is committed to lighting the way to excellence in digital education, by placing the learner at the heart of its mission.

Our missions

At the heart of our mission at IFND is our commitment to providing a first-class education based on information and communication technologies (ICT). In a world where digital technology shapes every facet of our lives, we understand the critical importance of mastering these tools. More than just a skill, mastering ICT has become an essential pillar of success, both professionally and personally.

IFND strives to offer courses that meet the individual needs of each learner. Whether it's a secondary school student looking to acquire basic skills or an experienced professional looking to upgrade their skills, we have a programme to suit. Our unique approach to VAE support enables our learners to make the most of their previous experience, transforming their practical skills into formal qualifications. This opens new doors and creates unprecedented career opportunities for our learners.

The world of work is constantly changing, with new challenges and opportunities emerging every day. At IFND, we don't just keep up with these trends; we seek to anticipate them. By working closely with industry experts and leading employers, we ensure that our programmes are always up to date, relevant and aligned with current labour market requirements.

IFND firmly believes that access to digital education is a fundamental right. Regardless of age, level of education or socio-professional background, every individual should have the opportunity to learn and master digital tools. We are committed to making our courses accessible to all, ensuring that everyone can benefit from the opportunities offered by digital technology, without exception.

Offer training programs that reflect the highest standards in digital education and meet the changing needs of the market.

Ensuring that everyone, whatever their background or situation, has access to high-quality training. This means making our programmes affordable, flexible and tailored to the needs of each learner.

Working closely with industry experts, companies and other educational establishments to ensure that our programmes are always at the cutting edge of technology and meet market requirements.

Innovation: Being at the forefront of digital pedagogy by constantly adopting new methods, tools and approaches to enhance our students' learning experience.

Beyond education, we strive to make a difference in the community. This means developing individuals who are not only competent in their field, but who are also aware of their responsibility to society and who use their skills to make a positive impact.

Providing post-training follow-up for our learners, helping them to integrate their newly acquired skills into their professional and personal lives, and offering continuing education opportunities to ensure they remain up to date in their field.

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